Category: Uncategorized

The Last Islands of Man 2 Development

This is an official announcement about the starting development of The Last Islands of Man 2. The past few months have been filled with effort directed towards a new game in a new engine. The non direct sequel will be developed with RPG maker MV, using elements from other engines in the series. I hope to be contracting a character artist for this one and as such the characters have received a tonne more development than the previous entry. Also Monplaisir will be returning with more choices from their free audio library. I’m excited and am deep into mapping at the moment. Things are progressing well and I hope to keep up the effort. If you want to see my regular updates/dev log catch the facebook group at : . Cheers everyone!

New Newsletter Provider

Very quick newsletter update. I’ve changed providers as Mailchimp was maxed out and didn’t want to provide me any more contacts. I can now get up to 1000. If you’ve tried to signup recently I suggest you try again. The capacity is much higher now. Thanks Everyone!

Progress Report Aug 18 2020

Hey Everyone! Here’s a small update to the Solaris Frontier’s progress.

I’ve been putting down words for the second book of short stories within the Solaris Frontier. New characters are everywhere! Planning for Books 3 and 4 continue at the same time. Things are moving smoothly as the outline has come together nicely.

A Burden of Knowledge is done the first draft. Moving on to the remaining three in Shades.

Cheers All!